
Star Style

So it was a bit of a surprise (or not) when Preeti Nair - better known as emerging online star Preetipls - turned up for this shoot with only two plastic bags. And one of the bags came from NTUC FairPrice.

This 22-year-old anti-fashion sensation is now so fashionable that we were curious to find out what style is to her.

As expected, it is nothing.

Nair described her style as "comfort over style".

"I think I still look cute though. I feel that with confidence, you can rock any style."

While she is fabulous, fearless and hilariously droll, Nair admitted that she has her insecurities too, but she deals with it.

"I just mask them really well with my delusion."

She added: "I am guilty of having a way-too-visible VPL (visible panty line) all the time. Like I don't even try hiding it, so just deal with it."

It doesn't mean Nair won't make an effort, if she really has to.

"I mean, first impressions always count, so dressing appropriately is crucial."

But she is holding on to one principle. She said: "You will never catch me in heels unless someone forcefully puts them on me."


When asked to present her true self, Nair kept it simple.

"I am lazy," she proclaimed. So it is just leggings (from Cotton On), any long-sleeved top, frizzy hair, shoes with one untied shoe lace (always the left, she insisted), sunglasses on her head, and phone in her hand.

And don't judge her leggings.

Nair said: "I don't care what anyone thinks but leggings are pants."


We had to ask her what she thought fashion influencers would wear.

Her outfit explained it all: "Choker, body suit, jeans, heels, handbag with a pack of Marigold Peel Fresh, and a Daniel Wellington watch."


We had the first almost-nude shoot in The New Paper, thanks to Nair. She did cover up her "essentials", but it was still daring.

To her, sexy is "confidence and a great sense of humour".

Sexiness is also, to Nair, clothing optional. And in a man, she said: "A man in his (birthday) suit always gets me riled up."


Some fashion statements are made due to necessity. Nair's iconic trash bag dress came into being just because it was available.

"Well, I acquired this outfit from my storeroom, and the first time I wore this was in my first-ever video - the parody of the derided Toggle segment to promote the web series Double Trouble.

"I got to admit I was way too okay with wearing this and strutting my stuff on the steps of Ion Orchard."

And Nair said the object of her parody - The New Paper New Face 2013 finalist-turned-influencer-turned-presenter Saffron Sharpe - loved the segment.

"We are friends now," she assured us.

And perhaps befitting of the state of fashion today: The trash bag dress was assembled on the floor of the studio with Scotch tape and went into the bin right after the shoot.Read more at:red formal dresses | australian formal dresses

Posted by tanoshire at 16:57│Comments(0)



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